The Transmedia Literacy Project
What are teens doing with media and what can we learn about it?
Duration: 10'08"
Realisation: Barcelona (Spain)
In this video, the researchers from Spain present the main questions and objectives related to the Transmedia Literacy Project. The aim of the Transmedia Literacy project has been to understand how young boys and girls are learning skills outside the school environment. The construction of those cultural competencies and social skills has been at the center of the research. This project has been carried out by 50 researchers coming from 9 different countries. Also, this video shows a critical review about media literacy and transmedia literacy.
Teen’s Transmedia Skills and Informal Learning Strategies
Presentation of the map of transmedia skills and informal learning strategies
Duration: 13'28"
Realisation: Barcelona (Spain), Braga (Portugal) & Jyväskylä (Finland)
In this video, the researchers from Spain, Portugal and Finland present the broad map of transmedia skills and informal learning strategies. The research team has found 44 main transmedia skills and 190 secondary skills. The transmedia skills are divided into 9 dimensions: Production, Risk Prevention, Social Management, Individual Management, Content Management, Performance, Media and Technology, Ideology and Ethics and Narrative and Aesthetics. Also, the researchers have found 6 modalities of informal learning strategies: Learning by doing, Problem solving, Imitating/Simulating, Playing, Evaluating and Teaching.
The Teacher's Kit Tutorial
Duration: 08'32"
Realisation: Turin (Italy)
Behind Fake News
Didactic activity focused on information analysis and content production
Duration: 14'20"
Realisation: Braga (Portugal)
The Portuguese students on this video get informed mainly through social media, television and online sites and apps. In this lesson, teachers start by promoting self-reflection about how the students get informed. Then, the class is divided in groups and each has to do two different activities: one focused on news, fake news and information analysis, another one focused on news and content production. The lesson aims to promote a critical approach towards media messages, to teach students how to distinguish news from fake news and to enhance their consciousness about constraints and interests behind news production.
News Stories in Social Media
Didactic activity about the role of social media as provider of daily news for teens
Duration: 11'32"
Realisation: Jyvaskyla (Finland)
In this video, the researchers are first describing the increasing importance of social media as the provider of daily news for teens. During the class, the students are taking their social media feed into the classroom, and comparing it to the main stories in newspapers. They will reflect on how the social media personalities are filtering and presenting daily events, and also comparing their personal media coverage with their classmates. In the joint discussion, the reliability of news received from various sources is discussed.
Hunting Media Stereotypes
Didactic activity about how to detect gender stereotypes in media
Duration: 10’36”
Realisation: Barcelona (Spain)
This video showcases how teenagers detect gender stereotypes through different media such as video games, films or television series. In the classroom, teachers make an introduction to reflect about the stereotypes and encourage the students to map and identify them. Additionally, the Transmedia Literacy Project researchers contribute to a more general understanding of gender stereotypes found in video games.
Improving Reading and Writing in a Social Way
Didactic activity based on the use of Wattpad
Duration: 13'20"
Realisation: Turin (Italy)
This video showcases the use of Wattpad by a group of Italian teenagers. They use the platform to look for new novels to read, but also to write and share their own works. When in classroom, the teacher starts talking with teens about their usage of the platform and thus he takes the opportunity to link such practices to a didactic issue: the narrative genres’ in literature.
Experts contributes to a more general comprehension of the social reading and writing phenomena in teenagers culture.
Teaching Science with Youtube
Didactic activity about how to use a YouTube channel to teach science at school
Duration: 10’41”
Realisation: Barcelona (Spain)
In this video, teachers present a didactic card that serves as a guide to record videos for a YouTube channel. In this case, these videos are a useful tool to both teachers and students in order to teach science to their peers. Also, the researchers of the project provide an in-depth explanation on how the students can adapt scholar contents into audiovisual contents targeted at different audiences.
Comic those Maths
Didactic activity about how to teach Maths while producing comic stories
Duration: 10’32”
Realisation: Barcelona (Spain)
In this video, teachers introduce a playful way to teach mathematics to freshmen high-school students drawing on the narrative worlds they navigate in their daily lives. Organised in groups, students are prompted to transform a mathematical problem into a comic strip using the alphabet letters and a secret operation provided by the teacher. Once students have finished their comic strip, they swap positions and try to solve each others’ enigmas.